Thanks, Je for the feedback! I haven’t yet used the ELK stack, but thank you for pointing it out — I’ll definitely check it out, it looks great. For me, this was an exercise to learn some of the innards of http in Go while learning the language. I should probably highlight that fact more than I did in my post (“minimize external dependencies to focus on standard library, learn/employ “idiomatic Go” and other best practices, etc.”). I was really trying to hand roll this thing and not bring in a bunch of frameworks and libraries except where it would be ridiculous not to (creating a routing framework like Gorilla or generating a Unique ID for instance). I don’t have a counter argument, either — this is an approach that, depending on your scale, may work fine for some. I’ve used a similar approach in the past which had no material impact on latency and we were serving a pretty large amount of traffic. I know there are a number of tools out there (ELK being one of them) that do everything I’m doing here and more, but this is a pretty simple approach using the bare minimum in terms of dependencies to log. That’s basically what I was getting at. I like logging to a db and searching/analyzing that way. On my learning roadmap though is benchmarking in Go, so I think I should learn something like ELK and do a comparison — I’m sure you’ll be right that it will be faster. Thanks a lot for reading and suggesting another way — it helps a lot.