Basic Redis Examples with Go

Dan Gillis
4 min readJul 18, 2018


Redis is pretty great. It is the #1 most loved database for the second year in a row, according to a recent Stack Overflow survey. I decided it was high time I taught myself how to use it with Go.

There are a number of libraries in the Go ecosystem for Redis, but the two most popular are go-redis and redigo. Each library has a decent amount of stars, contributors, etc. but from what I can tell redigo seems to have a slight edge in terms of documentation and community acceptance. For instance, the mighty Redis Labs, has a couple of posts describing interacting with Redis via Go using redigo — it’s not a direct endorsement, but pretty close… I tried both libraries actually, but found redigo was better documented. That said, in order to get up and running quickly with redigo, having to troll through godoc was a bit cumbersome (I’m still getting my head around analyzing godoc TBH). In this post, I’ll attempt to give some simple examples for redigo that may prove helpful to some.

Below I take you through creating a connection pool, testing connectivity via the PING command, adding a simple Key:Value pair via the SET command, retrieving a given value given the GET command and finally storing a struct as JSON using the SET command and retrieving the same struct with the GET command.

TL;DR — For the full main.go with all the examples below, you can find them here.


To establish connectivity in redigo, you need to create a redis.Pool object which is a pool of connections to Redis. In order to do this, you can use something like the following:

Use the Get method of the Pool object to grab a connection from the pool. Per the redigo documentation, “The application must call the connection Close method when the application is done with the connection.”

func main() {    pool := newPool()
conn := pool.Get()
defer conn.Close()
err := ping(conn)
if err != nil {


If you wish you to simply check connectivity, you can use Redis’ PING command.

To break down what’s happening here — the function takes in a redis Conn type (connection). We are calling the Do method of Conn, which takes a Redis command as it’s first argument. The redigo client communicates to Redis using Redis’ RESP protocol. Redis then responds with one of several types (Simple Strings, Errors, Integers, Bulk Strings and Arrays), which are mapped to Go types. The response from the Do method does not give back the specific Go type though, but rather an interface{} type. We can use a type assertion to determine the response type from the Do method, but seeing as we know from the Redis documentation that the Return Value from PING is a simple string, we can use one of redigo’s handy helper functions (redis.String) to perform a type conversion to string for us.

For illustrative purposes in my example above, I executed the helper redis.String function separately from the Do method as I found it easier to understand on my first pass. In reality, you’ll use the redigo provided helper functions to wrap your Do method calls (provided you know the response type), as I have done in the example below. Any remaining examples will use this shortened form where appropriate.


Use the Redis SET command to add a key:value pair to Redis. Below is a trivial example of adding a key (“Favorite Movie”) and a string value for it (“Repo Man”) as well as an int value (1984 as the movie Release Year). The blank identifier is used for the reply as we only need to check for errors (“OK” is the only thing that comes back on a successful SET command reply).

// set executes the redis SET command
func set(c redis.Conn) error {
_, err := c.Do("SET", "Favorite Movie", "Repo Man")
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = c.Do("SET", "Release Year", 1984)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil


In order to retrieve a value for a given key, use the Redis GET command. Some simple examples are below, including an example where no results are retrieved. We can check for redis.ErrNil to determine if nothing is returned and should handle appropriately.


For my purposes of building a look-aside cache, I want to store objects in cache in their entirety in Redis. There seem to be a few different viewpoints on doing this — one where you store your object using a Redis Hash data type and the HMSET command. This is nice because, if need be you can update individual values within the object independently. I have seen examples of people using the redigo AddFlat method of the redigo.Args type to accomplish this, but also noted in redigo’s FAQ that redigo does not actually provide a way to serialize structs to Redis, so I stayed away from trying this.

For my purposes, I am ok with just storing the data as an object in its entirety and thus decided to store my data as JSON using the SET command.

The example below shows storing a user, with username “otto”, with a key of “user:otto”. Use json.Marshal to serialize your object to JSON and store the serialized version as the value.


The example below shows retrieving the object using the GET command and then deserializing it with json.Unmarshal

{Username:otto MobileID:1234567890 FirstName:Otto LastName:Maddox}

That’s it for now. Keep in mind, I wrote this main and these little functions in a somewhat non-idiomatic way just to aid in the examples, you should streamline this in a real app.

I also created a similar main.go for the go-redis client, that you can find here. For go-redis, storing structs as Redis hashes is easier, as you can pass a map of strings type to the HMSET command.



Dan Gillis
Dan Gillis

Written by Dan Gillis

Go enthusiast; Loyalty/CRM Technology Leader; Drummer; Vinyl geek; Husband/Dad

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